

Xconq is a general strategy game system. It is a complete system that includes all the components: a portable engine, graphical interfaces for several platforms, multiple AIs, networking for multi-player games, and an extensive game library. The games in the library range from ancient civilizations to the far future, from simple to very complicated. Xconq's forte is turn-based strategy with overhead map views, using a hexagonally-tiled world. It includes a game design language GDL, which is a declarative language that lets you define the units, terrain, etc, then fill in tables defining their interaction. Literally hundreds of different properties and tables are available to the game designer.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-05-01 08:18 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Dies ist vor allem ein Bugfix-, Moll-Funktion und Update des Spiels veröffentlichen. Alle Arten von kleinen Korrekturen, einige neue Einheit Gelände und Grafiken, und ein paar Veränderungen, einige der Spiele (Opal ist sehr schön, jetzt mit einem neuen Gebiet in einer Reihe von ursprünglich für FreeCiv entwickelt importiert).
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This is primarily a bugfix, minor feature, and game update
release. All sorts of little fixes, some new terrain and unit
graphics, and a couple of changes to some of the games (Opal
is quite pretty, now, using a new terrain set imported from a
set originally designed for FreeCiv).

Project Resources