

The XNGR XML Browser is an XML browser framework, written in Java, that provides the functionality to associate Markers with directories, files, XML documents, and nodes in an XML document. Services and Actions can be associated to inspect and manage these marked items. Default services include a simple XML Editor and XML Viewer.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-10-14 16:55 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Version hat volle Unterstützung von JavaScript. Es umfasst auch andere Apache Batik-basierte Funktionalität, wie leicht zu bedienende Zoom, Pan, und Drehungen, Druck, Vorschau und die Optionen für die SVG-Bild in das PNG, TIFF-oder JPEG-Format zu exportieren.
Tags: SVG Service, Major feature enhancements
This version has full JavaScript support. It also
includes other Apache Batik-based functionality,
like easy-to-use zoom, pan, and rotate
transformations, printing, thumbnail view, and
options to export the SVG image to PNG, TIFF, or
JPEG format.

Project Resources