
NetCDF is a format developed at Unidata that was
inspired by the CDF format from NASA. NetCDF
stands for "Network Common Data Form" and is a
self-describing data format, commonly used in
scientific and engineering applications.

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2012-12-17 01:58
Rezensionen von Anonym

(1 von 2 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
I am very impressed with this veiorsn. I need to figure out why my USB cam and USB mic are not loading the drivers needed for them to work. Otherwise, the sound system is beautiful. What is amazing is that the normal crashes we all experience on Facebook do not happen on PC-BDS. Also, I am able to hear and text in Paltalk Express using Firefox without a single sound issue. No Linux Distro can make that claim. GREAT JOB and Distro PC-BDS.

2012-09-19 11:56
Rezensionen von Anonym

(1 von 2 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich)
thank you