Aktivitätszusammenfassung des Projekts Projektseite Startseite für Besucher

Status der offenen Tickets

Meilenstein: Aktiv

No Milestones are set for this category

Meilenstein: Bald wird begonnen

No Milestones are set for this category


Projektaktivitäten Statistiken


Aktiver Benutzer

Neueste Commits

2009-05-21 20:19
CVS Commit
2009-04-14 17:57
CVS Commit
2007-05-16 22:49
CVS Commit
2007-05-16 13:08
CVS Commit
2007-05-14 10:56
CVS Commit

Neueste Tickets

2011-10-23 10:58
Character U+8449 (葉) in the latest version of Sazanami Mincho contains a large, obtrusive black triangle; it's obvio...
2007-12-28 00:38
こっちの環境・設定がおかしいかも知れませんが,バグかも しれないのでここに書いておきます。 Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (etc...
2007-06-29 21:28
Hello, I think Kochi-substitude hasn't CENT SIGN (U+00A2) and POUND SIGN(U+00A3). You can compare http://exman...
2007-06-29 17:57
When I try to browse the CVS repository I only see garbage instead of Japanese characters. Not that the character...
2006-06-23 18:30
The font for mincho and gothic font face for unicode character U+7E6B is incorrect. The correct font character is ...


2022-05-05 14:08

ㅗㅓㅑㅗㅜ야ㅗㅜ 우ㅝㅗㅜㅕㅗㅜㅕㅗㅜㅑㅓㅡㅐㅓㅡㅏㅐㅡㅐㅓㅡ

2021-02-03 08:44

y h y de echo. B me RV u 7days c I oh f GJ

2015-12-11 13:46

とてもいいです! 特に明朝の方は細字でもキレイに見えるので、気に入ってます。....

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