

Welcome to CROWZ, formerly Zephyr!

CROWZ is an operating system based on Devuan 2.0 ASCII release. Lightweight, consisting of a minimal compilation of applications and tools. Overall the ethos of CROWZ is simplicity.

Web browser, file manager, image viewer, torrent client, terminal emulator, pdf viewer, audio and video player, text editor, and a few other essential applications.

The crowz-welcome screen compliments the install with an easy to use a terminal program to update and install additional applications.

Fluxbox, JWM, and Openbox are fully customizable window managers, light on resources, fast, stable, each with a full-featured desktop experience.

For those who enjoy configuring and customizing their desktop, this distro maybe ideal.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert

Veröffentlicht: 2018-09-27 05:50
crowz i386-686 (4 files Verstecken)


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